Wednesday, November 9, 2011

under garments

Nobody in fact likes to talk about their underwear, and Mormons most likely have better reason than most to be reserved. They don't even call it "underwear." The term they prefer is "garments," which is in use from the King James Bible, and gives these scraps of white cloth a formal name to go along with the vaguely talismanic character they grasp in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They don't look like anything special: a white T-shirt and boxer briefs, slightly longer than standard, characteristic in nothing much but their flush and the fact that all adult, devout Mormons, men and women, be dressed in them.
Mormons don't use the word "underwear" to converse about their garments, and they surely don't use the word "magic," or actually consider that garments have any particular powers to stop bullets or stay them from getting sick or serve as a sort of nylon-and-cotton flame retardant. There are stories of some of these belongings, like there are stories of the relics of Catholic saints curing epilepsy or blindness, but to most Mormons these are faith-promoting rumors, evocative but archaic folklore. The garments are a sign of dedication, a marker of faith, to be respected for the same reasons that it's considered rude to burn a Koran, but barely mystical.

Under garments

When confronted with raised eyebrows, Mormons frequently point to Jewish yarmulkes and tizzy, or the communion dresses of wide-ranging children, or the turbans of Sikhs and collars of some Christian clergy. Sacred clothing is hardly an innovation Joseph Smith came up with, and surely mockery of a yarmulke or a Sikh turban would be horrifying and verboten in most of the tolerant Western world, even in the genealogically Protestant United States, where "religion" is supposed to be amazing that you believe, not something that you wear, and sacred clothing seems strange and exotic. But, of course, Mormon garments are underwear. In the resolutely public world of modern America underwear is rather less dignified - and more chuckle-inducing - than something you put on your head.  Mormons know this. Many of them discover the garments as awkward as any other American might. They are manufactured by the church, and particularly for women, wearing them can be a chore: the cut might be slightly off, or the bottoms baggy, or the collar rubbing. And, of course, garments mean that wearing a sleeveless dress flashes your underwear to the world, which is trying in Texas or Arizona. In the past forty years or so, covering the garments has become a marker of diffidence for Mormons, particularly women, and sleeves are therefore necessary. Combine that with the scoop neck garment shirt that many older Mormon men motionless wear and you can usually choose out Mormons on vacation in Florida.
Except for changing it often, my mother never told me what to do with my underwear. Probably because I am not a Mormon. Thank decency for that. The Mormon religion however, has an entire set of rules about that stupid issue. They look upon their under drawers as religious items that have to be worn, or else … no one is sure precisely what the “or else” entails.

Nice garments

There is cause for a likely conflict of interest. The underwear can only be purchased directly from the Church commissary. Even Sam Walton and Wal-Mart have been shut out of the market.
The plus side of the undergarments, as Mormons prefer to call them, is that they are said to protect the wearers from temptations and evil things. Gods will Ministries have not verified whether they are bullet proof, although traces of Kryptonite have been found in cloth samples. The underwear is said to keep Mormon chicks modest. It seems that not all Mormon females wear the sacred, secret duds, as a number of extremely hot; boastfully dressed Mormon chicks have been noted. Mormons are required to wear their underwear at all times, for their entire lifetime. No mention is made about ever changing them. This may deter many from joining the church. Also, it is not certain if the garments can be removed when engaged in sex, especially with an atheist. Once we get past the sniggering, Mormon underwear presents a fascinating site of study. Why are they worn and what do they represent? The answers, I suspect, differ really depending on who is talking. Anything that is so obviously personal, so close to the body, will undergo continuous transformation and be constructed in ways that ecclesiastics will never capture or admit. Whatever the official explanations or rationales, I’m sure they are less rich than more personal understandings. I’m also confident that garmies work on levels that Mormon leaders may not fathom. To give but one example, garmies fit nicely into the costly signaling theory of collaboration that is vogue in evolutionary studies of religion.
Mormon doctrine and academic theory aside, we can get some sense for the myriad customs Mormons perceive garmies in this pleasant piece by Valerie Tarico. Judging the symbolic possible by remarks from various garmie wearers past and present, I can envision an entire cottage industry for cultural anthropologists similar to that which surrounds Islam and the hijab. The difference, of course, is that garmies don’t provide a rich field for fashion, commodity, or authenticity analyses. This is not to say that garmies have not changed over time. As this LDS chart shows, they have:
It is to say that garmies, in spite of the challenging re-design and sales efforts of Mormon’s Secret, probably won’t be a fashion or identity statement anytime soon. But as Tarico recounts, garmies could become popular for other reasons:
In Mormon folk religion, Garments have particular powers. Stories are told of wearers being saved from bullets or a fiery death in a car crash. One story tells of a Mormon warrior during WWII who was killed by a Japanese flame thrower – but his Garment survived intact. The stories go back to Joseph Smith himself, who died in a hail of bullets without his Garment on. His friend, Willard Richards, who was trying his, emerged unscathed. Mormon historian Hubert Bancroft described the incident in his 1890 History of Utah: “This garment protects from illness, and even death, for the bullet of an opponent will not penetrate it. The Prophet Joseph carelessly left off this garment on the day of his death, and had he not done so, he would have escaped unharmed.”

Comfortable garments

Bancroft’s 1890 story about Joseph Smith and his bulletproof garment raises an fascinating opportunity. Two years earlier, in 1888, the Paiute prophet Wovoka revived the Ghost Dance and began hosting Native American visitors from around the country at the Walker Lake condition in central Nevada. In 1889, the Lakota shaman Kicking Bear visited Wovoka on behalf of the Sioux. By the time Kicking Bear arrived back in South Dakota, what would become the Sioux edition of the Ghost Dance had become more millenarian and militant. Kicking Bear told Lakota warriors that if they wore particular shirts, bullets could not harm them. Tragically, many Lakota discovered otherwise at Wounded Knee in 1890.
To outsiders there is little more charming about the Mormon religion than the underwear that Mormon temple initiates are expected to wear day and night. As one previous supporter put it, “I’ve been an exam since 1967. All that time, the underwear questions were the first ones I got from people who found out I had been Mormon.
A Mormon woman describes what happened when her husband told her that he had stopped believing in god. It is a moving story of the tensions that can arise flanked by believers and non-believers in the same family.
But despite the story being a serious one, there were some passages that made me laugh out loud, as in this one about what pressed her over the edge and made her decide to confide in a Mormon neighbor about her husband’s apostasy.
When Sean replaced his temple garments — the sacred underwear he’d promised to wear day and night — with boxers, I couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much betrayal. But her Mormon neighbor and the church could not help her and as she too slowly relinquished her Mormon faith, the couple discovered some advantages to abandoning the Mormon lifestyle. Whoa, we suddenly have 10 percent more income. Whoa, our weekend free time just doubled. Whoa, we can try alcohol, coffee and tea — the trisect of forbidden drinks. And for her to the final sign that she had left her Mormon beliefs behind involved changing her underwear. When I shed my garments for greasy Victoria Secret panties, my self-esteem skyrocketed, and our late nights shifted to other things. Editorial cartoonists have a tradition of drawing politicians in their underwear.  President Clinton is often drawn with his pants around his ankles and boxer shorts with a pattern of little hearts.  The same treatment is due for chronological adulterer politicians like Newt Gingrich, Arnold Schwarzenegger and too many members of congress to list. Even Batman and Superman wear their underwear on top of their tights.  As a leader cartoonist, I cherish my right to draw anyone I want in their underwear. Mitt Romney is a little dissimilar. He doesn’t seem to be an adulterer, and is certainly no superhero. As a devout Mormon, Romney is supposed to wear religious “garments” as his underwear, and I assume he does although he refuses to answer questions about his underwear. If Romney would talk about his underwear, I would be less motivated to draw him in his underwear; Romney’s “garment” silence interests me.  Here are a couple of my cartoons with Romney wearing his Mormon “garments.” I have gotten a bit of flack from readers about drawing the mysterious underwear on Romney, but not as much as I anticipated, and I’ll keep drawing him this way at least waiting he talks about his underwear. Deprived Bill Clinton will continue to be haggard in his underwear whether he talks about it or not.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Madura Garments

Madura Garments standard of living Retail will set up its high-end luxury stores, the communal, in three new cities next year besides increasing in the existing locations. Madura Lifestyle, promoted by the Adyta Birla Group, OKJMLS33 currently operates two such stores bottega veneta bags. With a store each in Mumbai and Bangalore under ‘The Collective’ banner it sells high-end luxury apparel and trimmings from brands crossways the world. The third store will be opened in New Delhi soon and the plan is to explore opportunities in Chennai, Chandigarh and Hyderabad by next year. Also they plan to add more stores in Mumbai and Delhi. The stores house high-end apparel brands such as juicy couture handbags, bottega veneta, Duchamp,Fred Perry, Hackett, Hugo Boss, Kenneth Cole, Ted Baker, True Religion and Versace Collection. In the upcoming season new brands for men and women will be introduced.
Madura Garments has been responsible for putting Karnataka on the nation’s map as a hub for attire manufacturing and branding. Presently, Madura Garments operates five manufacturing units in this southern state devoted to home demands and three factories wholly for meeting exports to the United States and the European Union countries.

Stylish model

Madura Garments also introduced its exclusive in-house multi-brand retail format Planet Fashion. It’s a men’s store that stocks all the Madura Garment brands under one roof. Moncler Sweaters Planet Fashion has 82 outlets spread across metros and cities in India and five outlets abroad including Nepal and the Middle East. Madura Garments has turned cash optimistic after battling losses for 15 months in the wake of slowing customer expend. The Rs 1,000-crore operations, with brands like Louis Philippe, Van Heusen and Allen Solly, posted a cash profit in July and is projecting a 10% rise in sales throughout the current year. All of Madura’s major brands are running profitable operations, except the luxury retail format, The Collective, and street wear fashion store, People. Cost rationalization is a key motive for the return to productivity. India Madura retail clothing company plans to expand its overseas market, the company plans of the Company’s lifestyle brands to open stores, dsquared jeans 2011, in East Africa, West Asia, South and Southeast Asia to open multi-Planet Fashion brand stores. Madura lifestyle brand apparel companies and retail Hemchandra Javeri CEO, said the company has in India, little known outside of West Asia, the company brand in West Asia Planet section stores and 10 retail stores selling fashion. However, the company also opened several West Louis Philippe brand stores, Allen Solly in Kenya to open a store. Madura garments are looking for suitable partners for the establishment of the company stores all of the lifestyle brands and Planet Fashion stores. But the company started from the creation of Louis Philippe shopping malls, and then to other brands to open stores. Companies hope to see rapid growth in Indians retail market share, open foreign markets within three years about 10 Louis Philippe store. Presently, the company has about 75 Planet Fashion stores; the company has about 30 of each lifestyle brand stores. Hemchandra said, the company recently is the various brands for the company’s internal restructuring. Meanwhile,dsquared jeans, Madura Garment Company hope to see our lifestyle brands to expand the supply of jeans, the company decided to gradually reduce the market share of San Frisco Jeans, improved focus on sales of other brands key region has been rents - Madura now works on store rentals that do not exceed 15 % of the store sales, or sign up new locations where it is hard to make projections on numbers.

Looking good with madura garments

Madura Garments has an imposing collection of premium formal and casual dress in for today’s smart and modern men. In its formal menswear, Louise Philippe and Van Heusen have already established themselves as premium lifestyle brands in India. Madura Garments also has the distinction of introducing India to the Friday dressing concept with its premium semi formal variety of men’s wear, Allen Solly. After the success of the concept, brain Allen Solly went on to create weekend clothes with Allen Solly Outdoors. Peter England is a brand of mid range shirts targeting executive’s looking Sequoia will invest up to Rs 120 crore in the rapidly growing garment retail business Nahar Retail. Better known by its brand name ‘Cotton County’, Nahar Retail attempts to do what very few have managed in India, build a profitable garment brand with an associated retail presence. To be fair to Nahar Retail, it has covered a lot of position since its launch. Some reports suggest that it has 400-plus outlets in 300 cities. This is a huge reach. However, in retail, it is one thing to quickly expand reach. It is quite another to build a profitable business. The retailer has to make sure that a majority of the stores break even and become decently profitable. This requires ensuring foot falls, then conversion of those foot falls into sales. Not every attempt succeeds in this. Arvind Brands tried to build a unhelpful retail presence about 6-8 years ago. It succeeded for a while, at least in establishing a large network. But then it rolled back most of that strategy within 2-3 years, which seems to suggest that most of the stores never reached breakeven. Not too many other players have attempted the kind of rollout Cotton County is up to. Kewal Kiran Clothing, an older player in the garment business, took perhaps three years to reach the 75 stores-mark. In total, the company perhaps reaches out to 60-70 cities, at this point, through around 100 outlets. Pantaloon Retail, which overall has perhaps 1,000 stores in around 80 formats, has around 40 stores under the format Pantaloon Fresh Fashions. Raymond has close to 500 outlets, but it has built them over decades. Madura Garments, a part of Aditya Birla Nuvo, has close to 250 restricted brand outlets in 43 cities. Thus, Cotton County appears to be betting more forcefully than practically any other player in the garment space. It perhaps is a work-in-progress, at least if its website is any indication. Its mission is stated thus, ‘We aim to be recognized as the fastest growing retail chain in the Everyday low pricing business model’. Elsewhere, it describes itself as a mass-volume brand.
Building a strong garment brand is not easy, since barriers to access remain quite low. It is hard to attain product and format differentiation. There is large fragmentation, and competition from small players. Large players have, so far, not really tried to compete on the price platform.

Madura garments

Old established companies like Madura, Arvind and Zodiac, to name a few, are all relatively up market in their positioning. Amongst new successful players, Provogue and Wills Lifestyle have also constantly taken premium positioning.
Clearly, a value positioning, with wide reach has theoretical plea. India, after all, is about its vast middle class. But garments are aspirational products. A brand positioned on price runs the danger of being perceived as a poor man’s brand. There are quite a few cases of garment brands which have stagnated due to a ‘nowhere’ positioning. While you can perhaps sell a mobile service on price, it may be harder to sell garments on price.
Cotton County may well emerge as India’s largest garment company if it is successful. But how much value will it create? According to reports, Cotton County has currently around Rs 100 core in sales, and aims to be a Rs 250-crore business by FY09.
Madura Garments registered sales of Rs 750 core in FY07, with PBIT of Rs 4 crore. An Enam report of 2007 valued Madura Garment business at around Rs 500 crore, or less than 1x sales. This is despite burly brands and reliable sales growth. Zodiac has also struggled to beat valuation of 1x sales.
Aggressive store expansion means two things – serious capital spending and lots of people to handle the stores. Every brand worth its salt wants to possess a widespread Retail store network across the length and breadth of the country no matter what the store level EBITDA is. While there are various ways to expand its network, some of the commonly used ones by Retailers are franchising and Coco – Company Owned Company Operated model. While Franchising could mean faster expansion, there are chances that the Retailer may lose control on the quality of customer experience among other things. The Coco model is very expensive to scale-up unless backed by a solid VC / PE Firm. One of the other means to raise funds for growth is through the Capital Market – recently Specialty Restaurants that runs the Mainland China, Oh! Calcutta, Signee and other restaurants debuted their IPO, the first of its kind in the F&B Industry in India (while Jubilant Foods which runs Dominos Pizza in India is also listed, it is not in the Restaurant business but into Casual Dining). Retailers like Café Coffee Day, Dominos, Food world, Spencer’s, Zara, Tommy Hilfiger and many others have invested deeply on their own in terms of store expansion crossways the country, while others like McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Madura Garments, Reebok, Adidas, Benetton, Nilgiris, etc. have taken the Franchisee model.
There is another alternate model – One of the easiest ways that a few Retail Brands have taken to, which is known as the “Minimum Guarantee” model where in a Second Party is appointed to manage the store(s) on behalf of the company while the Retailer itself invests on the business. Let me explain this in detail. Assume that the store fit-out costs for a 1,000 sft store is Rs. 40 Lakhs plus stocks to the tune of Rs. 50 Lakhs, then the Retailer invests Rs. 90 Lakhs to set up the store and also bears the Security Deposit to the landlord.  Once the project work is completed, the store is handed over to a second party, also known as a Managing Partner or a Managing Franchisee who is responsible for the day-today upkeep of the store. All direct and operating costs such as manpower, electricity, rent and incidental costs are taken up by the Retailer and the Partner is also paid a lump-sum ranging from a few thousands to a couple of lakhs – just to operate the store every day. The logic is, if there were to be an Area Manager to micro-manage the store, and then the costs would be substantially high. And hence the Managing Franchisee model. The partner also has sales based incentives that are if the store achieves a set target, then he receives a further commission, usually as a percentage to sales. In many cases, the Partner leases his own goods to the Retailer, which means the Rental income comes back to him! In a few cases, either the same partner operates through kith and kin or through friends and relatives who become partners! And then, there are incentives for introducing new partners and locations in other cities. This is certainly a vicious series. In the name of faster expansion and quick growth, many Retail Brands have resorted to this practice. While there is nothing incorrect in this approach, the Managing Partner typically gets the cake and eats it too. Without any investment, he has a full time job, a respectable retail profession and a handsome income too. While it is not clear whether the practice has been internationally common and if yes, from when – it is quite popular in the Indian Retail scenario over the past decade. While Retailers like Madura Garments have fixed to the tested Franchise model of “Buy and Sell”, others like Reebok, according to push and media releases in the recent past have opted the organization Partner model.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Garments in Srilanka

Who knew that SriLanka was in the business of moral apparel manufacturing?  In fact their government backed initiative call “Garments without Guilt” is their native deal connection Sri Lankan Apparel’s biggest endeavor for garment manufacturers.  It seems that they have been working with the International Labor Organization in signing the 31 Conventions of the ILO and being the only country to do so.  These conventions list some of worst offenses to workers that would be denounced by factories who sign it.   This is a vast step by an Asian garment manufacturer where bottom line is more precedent than human rights.  Sri Lankan companies like Brandix are in the forefront with this movement to be leaders as powerful and honorable employers. Brandix currently exports 60% of its contracted apparel to the U.S.   Though, it is outsourced it has better reliability in product ethics than other counterparts in the outsourced market.  They seek a competitive benefit over other manufacturers by running efficient, resourceful, sustainable businesses who do not exploit its labor for profit.  Sri Lankan’s model is supplier driven as many apparel manufacturers are following the buyer’s trend for more companies that are ethical in their business practices.
Brandix, one of the biggest garment manufacturers in Asia and the largest in Sri Lanka, recently installed Tukatechs apparel software system thereby noticeably improving the capability of their product development and manufacture. TUKA systems were initially tested by Brandix Denim division and showed dramatic results in the quality of patterns and the speed and efficiency in which they were produced. We are now getting more than twice the production of patterns that fit the first time, saving a large amount of fabric, and better utilizing our human resources. These changes motivated us to look at TUKA systems for our company, said Iswaran Senthil, CEO of Brandix Denim. Besides providing us with CAD-CAM systems, Tukatech offered valuable consulting, engineered the work flow and the pattern room, and even increased productivity in our cutting rooms. Though they had invested a significant amount of time and manpower into their previous CAD system, Dhananjaya Rajapaksha, CEO of Brandix Casual wear, could not ignore the incredible changes made in the denim division, and decided to move forward with Tukatech.
Tukatechs team provided in-person maintain to create the transition between CAD systems as easy as possible and worked with the staff of Brandix to customize the system to their specifications. Tukatech CEO Ram Sareen sent his technical team from the United States and India to our offices, and many of our requests for what we wanted to see in the software were accommodated.

Garments worker

Tukatechs team worked with us and we had a very fast completion. I have a lot of years of knowledge, and I know what my team needs. Tukatech was able to give us exactly that, said Thushad Saumydasa, Head of Product Development.
Brandix Casualwear, primarily a producer of women’s bottoms and very technically complicated products, had seen many of their customers shifting their business out of Sri Lanka to countries where garments could be produced at a cheaper price. Dhananjaya knew that in order to stay competitive, he would need to increase the efficiency of his operation by 1/3, and Tukatech helped him meet his goal.
Since the installation, Dhananjaya and his staff have uttered their approval with the system, saying that it has automated much of what they once did manually, despite the fact that prior to installing Tukatech they had other CAD software, and they further stated that TUKAcad has broadened the use of CAD software throughout the company.Today, our people are using Tukatechs CAD to a much larger extent than they were with our previous CAD system, said Thushad.The feedback I’ve gotten from my managers is that the new Tukatech system has more functionality compared to the previous CAD systems they had and it is much easier to manage and use, said Dhananjaya. The most encouraging thing I’ve heard from employees is the way that the implementation of the system was handled. Tukatechs interactions with our technical team were very beneficial. They listened to what we do and customized the systems to our needs. Many of our requests regarding the software were addressed during this period.I see vast development, said Thushad. With Tukatech, everything is automated and very accommodating. Many things that I used to do manually are now automatic, and that means I can direct my attention to other matters.We are in the fashion apparel industry, and style keeps changing fast. We have to also be fast, said Dhananjaya. Tukatech allows us to be faster, more efficient, and ultimately improves our bottom line.
Brandix Casualwear forms the center of the Brandix group, and provisions woven bottoms, basic pants, cargo pants, 5-pocket jeans, shorts and skirts to the world’s top brands. Its seven production facilities include a state-of-the-art, fully automated denim facility which is the first of its kind in Sri Lanka. Adding yet another landmark, Brandix commissioned its Green Factory in April 2008, setting a new benchmark as the first one of its kind in the country.

Srilankan garments

The actual garments sector inside Sri Lanka goes by the particular Pick up Hui method of buying EU+position however go through an advantage, United kingdom elegant specialist David.Orchid gold your garments source within Sri Lanka association the particular Nineteenth century annual meeting upwards declare.
The clothes market within Sri Lanka goes the Pickup please Hui system regarding acquiring EU+position however encounter an improvement, Uk luxurious professional Bob.Orchid rare metal the actual garments resource within Sri Lanka organization the 19th twelve-monthly convention way up point out.
Lan Jin announced, in accordance with the Pu Hui system regarding EU+position, your dissolving involving income via duty special discount includes a liking with regard to attend your clothing section for you to Sri Lanka and get clear effect. This can pass Sri Lanka regarding Some, 500, Thousand, 1000 your apparel having no export European union, including The united kingdom, in the actuality demonstrate.The fiscal problem that will part of European countries nations take position decreases the acquisition firm’s buying electrical power, yet has not motivated the actual apparel regarding Sri Lanka about bat roosting dispatching regarding region. Even so, the actual responsibility problems will cause to produce business along with outdoors in order to cover your colleague’s income constringency.Lan Jin says that even though negative circumstances, Sri Lanka remains the main source of turning out to be EU, the usa along with Asia top quality cost, advancement along with sensible shop price garments product, and can continue to consistently infiltrate. Therefore, to be able to Sri Lanka must always preserve with each other these efficient enterprise commission rates inside the land.
Orchid gold reference, Sri Lanka may possibly once more discover the Pickup Hui method regarding European concession, yet he clarified, up to now, government throughout Sri Lanka whether determines to meet the particular request in the Pickup please Hui technique, yet again put forward to try to get element never have manufactured selection.Colombo, Sri Lanka- On Friday, November 18, the Sri Lanka Design Festival hosted the South Asian Leadership Forum at the Mount Lavinia Hotel in Colombo. The forum, which culled together local and international leaders in the garment industry to discuss Sri Lanka’s place in the global marketplace was one of the key events of the Sri Lanka Design Festival, a showcase for the Sri Lankan fashion industry.

Good Working environment

The South Asian Leadership forum, which featured four sessions and a number of guest speakers, focused on Sri Lanka’s evolving garment industry and its place in the global marketplace. Each session was hosted by a different moderator, and the panelists fielded questions from an audience composed of the garment industry’s leading thinkers. The forum was hosted by Mike Todaro, Managing Director of the American Apparel Producers Network, who frequently offered his insight into the discussions. Panelists included local business leaders and international guests from India, the UK, France, Germany, Brazil, the United States and many more countries.The four sessions covered such diverse topics as the shifting global apparel market and economy, strategies for continuing and growing Sri Lanka’s strong garment production, new design and manufacturing technology, and the country’s leadership in sustainable production.  Each session featured unique moderators and panels, including manufacturers, retailers, designers and educators.One of the key topics discussed at the forum was Sri Lanka’s growth in the worldwide apparel market, and what path the nation’s manufacturers would decide to take. Many at the forum were wary of offering cheap services while they could as so many other countries have done, and instead opting to give high quality work using sustainable and ethical business practices.Though only the fourth session was initially focused on sustainable and “green” manufacturing in Sri Lanka, the eco-friendly business practices of the Sri Lankan garment industry was a theme that ran through the entire day’s discussions. Panelists and audience members agreed that Sri Lanka was setting a global example for sustainable garment industrialized, but more needed to be done throughout the fashion industry on every level.The marketing of Sri Lankan garments was another large topic of discussion. In addition to spreading the word about high-quality, low-environmental impact garments produced in the nation, many panel members and attendees thought that a marketing or advertising campaign directed at both the industry and clientele in general could be of tremendous benefit to Sri Lanka’s industries.
Ram Sareen, Founder and Head Coach of Tukatech, described Sri Lanka as the best kept secret in the garment industry, and several other panelists considered ways to raise the country’s profile on a global scale. Both Ram Sareen and Mike Todaro cited the example of Columbia’s Juan Valdez icon as an example of what can be accomplished with the right marketing campaign.
As part of the focus on excellence rather than affordability, one of the panels spotlighted the role of new technology in both the current marketplace and the creation of new ones. Several new technologies for design and production have radically altered the garment production landscape in the last few decades, and Sri Lankan companies have been among the quickest to adopt, adapt and innovate.
Arshad Sattar, Managing Director for the Timex Group of Companies spoke at length about his experience using Tukatech’s TUKA3D and e-Fit Simulator while developing products to meet his customer’s time and quality expectations. He also discussed using Tukatech’s 3D technology, via Styku’s online fitting room and low-footprint in-store body scanners as one of the key elements in the achievement of his company’s growth into retailing and the creation of their own brand.
Finishing touches from the system involving The Japanese is really publicized enterprise European Union and also Country tariffs the actual tsunami wounded relating to Sri Lanka, Australia, Indian, Thailand as well as Maldives Hawaiian islands right at the end attached preceding calendar month. European may possibly speed up setup of that advanced GSP business that might exist calm methods amidst starting place to be able to variations exporters just about any more and more third world international locations. The safest internet personal loans for any need Your fees is introduced in the usa The nation’s lawmakers noisy . January looking for the new accountability-free while using the United States industry for numerous China, primarily Sri Lanka and also Belgium.While textile and products businesses has not been merely by their particular tsunami the belief that on an emotional level vulnerable relating to Sri Lanka, Indian, Thailand Australia towards the end out of December, sounds are getting recognized needing America as well as the Eu in order to reduce importance requirements on hat from the line Hard Anodized Cookware
low awareness right after staying away through textile amount calendar year, businesses regarding The Japanese would need the exacting increase to engulf effect from the tsunami in your a number of professional areas, fundamentally vacationers.European Union’s Commission payment just avowed which experts point out apparel acquired through Sri Lanka is actually without question given an excellent accountability-free employ in the occasion the emerging GSP styles might be productive.Your job-free solutions may probably be promoted in the variety of other GSP-+ style may well open to relatively inferior international locations that ok’d bounty conferences as a way to labor and in adding environmentally helpful specs.